Event Details

Neo-Classicism Redux

Renaissance and baroque art are experiencing a renascence or rebirth of sorts in BULLET DEMATERA’s newest suite of paintings. Dematera apparently intends his current collection to be a summary or condensed narration of art history from the time of the low renaissance school of Giotto to post-modernism. There is a unifying thread in his compositions though which isn’t classical at all, which is his usage of surrealist trappings and tricks. His portrayal of pale-complexioned women reminds us of Leonardo da Vinci’s depictions of lone women, specifically of the “Mona Lisa”, but with a varicolored surrealistic twists. In addition to imagery drawn from a neo-classical wellspring, Dematera also exhibits in his art a look often seen in Filipino paintings that are filled all over with pictorial elements and details. This compulsion to fill up every square inch of the canvas is called kenophobia or horror vacui, which is defined as fear of empty space. Dematera’s kenophobic tendency is most palpable in the painting, “A Place for Lifetime Memories”. Here, a woman with her back to the viewers sits on grass with her half-naked presumed lover facing her. The ground between them is littered with food remnants, like apples, peeled oranges, etc. Completing the cast of characters in this “picnic scene”, in illogical juxtaposition, are another woman, an eagle, a displaced statue of a child, and cherubs flitting all over and almost covering the sky. Another trait noticeable and common in this collection are the hidden and half-covered eyes of the women, hinting at their coy urge to look at something, which, I surmised, must be some attractive male somewhere. These paintings definitely exude romantic or sensual undertones, especially the painting “Pursuit of Purity”, which shows a serpent—a universally recognized symbol of temptation–creeping up to a supposedly virginal woman. But not all of Dematera’s paintings hint at sensual love, because one painting, the  “Blossom of Love and Solitude”, portrays maternal love instead.  This collection of recent works demonstrates the high level of skill Dematera had achieved. Apart from his convincing portrayal of the human figure, he is at his best in his hyperrealist rendering of flora, fauna, and fowls. This virtuosity stemmed from his apprenticeship with two internationally- acclaimed Filipino painters who guided him not only in the use of various mediums like oil, acrylic, and graphite, but in brushwork as well. With 11 solo exhibits under his belt, Dematera, couldn’t be considered as an up and coming artist anymore. He is well up there in the august company of the established ones, adding his particular brand of neo-classic neo-surrealist art to the existing array of styles Filipino painters adhere to.


Featured Artist:

Bullet Dematera


SMX Aura Convention Center, Taguig City


October 9-13, 2024


See Catalogue here – https://www.theartologist.net/product-category/bullet-dematera/

For more inquiries, you may contact us at:

(02)8696-3244 | 0977-031-4636 | 0916-567-3351